Optimizing user experiences
Optimizing user experiences for internet humans through a lens of psychology & endless possibility.
Optimizing user experiences
Optimizing user experiences
for internet
for internet
for internet
humans through
humans through
humans through
a lens of psychology &
a lens of psychology &
a lens of psychology &
Ayanna is a NYC-based designer and researcher.
Ayanna is a NYC-based product designer and researcher. She has a passion for people, their problems, and figuring out how to solve them in cool, creative ways.
Ayanna is a NYC-based designer and researcher.
Ayanna is a NYC-based designer and researcher.
She has a passion for people, their problems, and figuring
She has a passion for people, their problems, and figuring
She has a passion for people, their problems, and figuring
out how to solve them in cool, creative ways.
out how to solve them in cool, creative ways.
out how to solve them in cool, creative ways.